SF State students erupted in joyous celebration after Barack Obama was reelected as president.
Sophomore Michelle Arno said she was immediately relieved when she heard about Obama’s victory.
“I woke up this morning and cried for fear of my rights as a human being. I was just so stressed out, I was like, I need to stay and watch (the election coverage). If my class isn’t watching it, I can’t risk it. I was really nervous, but I’m so relieved,” the broadcast electronic communication and arts major said.
Perla Silva, an 18-year-old economics major, would have been extremely disappointed if Mitt Romney won.
“Even though people disagree and claim that he has not done anything these past four years, I believe he truly has,” Silva said. “People don’t take in consideration that part of the economical issues that we are having are due to the economic crisis going on in Western Europe.”
Jessica Thiel, a broadcast electronic communication and arts major, said she will celebrate by dancing in her apartment with her roommates.
“I feel like he came into office with a lot of things to fix, and he deserves these next four years to develop all the changes he promised,” Thiel said.
Some students feel relieved and optimistic with Obama’s re-election.
“I hope that he will actually pull our troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan and end the war,” anthropology major Ashley Ahonen said. “Also, I hope that he will continue to try to build up our middle class and get our economy back on track, lowering the unemployment rate in the process.”
Kaylyn Allen, SF State freshman and international relations major, was excited about the outcome, despite some worries she still had.
“I didn’t like what Romney said about women’s rights and education,” Allen said. “I’m not sure about ObamaCare, but I feel like Obama would protect me as a female and a student more than Romney would.”
Kirstie Haruta and Danielle Steffenhagen contributed to this report.
In an earlier version of this story, we misidentified Jasmin Hoo as Jasmine Hol in the photo caption. Xpress regrets the error.