Latin America is a musically rich region where one can find many different styles of music including punk, metal and psychedelia. (Illustration by Oscar Palma / Golden Gate Xpress) (Oscar Palma)
Latin America is a musically rich region where one can find many different styles of music including punk, metal and psychedelia. (Illustration by Oscar Palma / Golden Gate Xpress)

Oscar Palma

Get to know non mainstream music in Spanish with our biweekly playlist

Latin America is a large region with many different cultures and sounds. Here at GGX, we would like to share some of our favorite Latin American artists and songs.

Feb 23, 2023

I migrated to the United States when I was 18 years old. At the time, I was a teenager full of insecurities, fears and anxieties. I felt like society expected a certain behavior of me because I was a Latino migrant, though it could all have been in my head.

Like I said, I was a teenager full of insecurities. As time passed, music and books helped me grow into the person I wanted to be, not the Latino man I felt I was expected to be, but the one I decided to be. 

Yes, I am Latino and I love music, all music, including our Latin music. However, I choose to listen to Latin American genres that some people might not associate with the region. 

To everyone who thinks we only listen to certain sounds, let me tell you that we are a large, diverse, multicultural area that enjoys various sounds despite the constant tunes the radio plays here. Take a fucking listen.

Hola a todos. Me llamo Oscar Palma, y soy el editor de Español para Golden Gate Xpress. Esta es la introducción de un proyecto que durara el semestre entero, en donde voy a curar un lista de 10 canciones que vamos a compartir cada dos semanas. Cada canción en la lista va a ser en español.

Esta, no va ser música que no necesariamente se asocie con música de Latinoamericana. Piensen en Punk. Piensen en Metal. Peinsen en psicodélia. Estos son sonidos que no necesariamente están asociados con música de Latinoamerica. 

Sin embargo, también tenemos estos en Latinoamerica. Por eso quiero iniciar este proyecto, para compartir lo diversa y rica que la música latina puede ser.

Estén en alerta por la primera lista y cada una después de esta. Cada dos semanas. Gracias por escuchar y continuen leyendo Golden Gate Xpress.

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About the Contributors
Photo of Oscar Palma
Oscar Palma, Spanish Editor
Oscar Palma is the Spanish editor for Golden Gate Xpress; some of his interests are bicycles, vinyls, film, dive bars, Latin American literature and punk shows. He is interested in covering cycling, environment and underground shows, some of his work has previously appeared at El Tecolote and The Frisc.

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