Dayne Wahl (L), Associate Director for Undergraduate Recruitment, shares a laugh with a person who was interested in the booth at SF Pride on June 24, 2023. (Tâm Vũ / Golden Gate Xpress) (Tam Vu)
Dayne Wahl (L), Associate Director for Undergraduate Recruitment, shares a laugh with a person who was interested in the booth at SF Pride on June 24, 2023. (Tâm Vũ / Golden Gate Xpress)

Tam Vu

SFSU present and proud at 53rd annual Pride Celebration

San Francisco State University students, faculty and alum could be found recruiting future Gators at SFSU’s Pride booth

June 25, 2023

In the midst of dancing drag queens, blasting music and rainbowed-out people, San Francisco State University students, faculty and alum could be found recruiting future Gators at SFSU’s Pride booth during San Francisco’s 53rd annual Pride Celebration.

The booth marked the second year in a row SFSU was represented at the pride celebration in Downtown San Francisco since the Covid-19 Pandemic. An email was sent out to university affiliates encouraging people to volunteer, hand out swag and answer questions from prospective Gators.

Dayne Wahl, the associate director for undergraduate recruitment, oversaw the organization of this year’s booth.

“[We] got volunteers from across campus .… It looks like we have, I would say, three times as many volunteers as last year,” Wahl said.

Lily Eiselt, an SF State student and office assistant for the Queer & Trans Resource Center, was a first-time volunteer at the booth.

“It’s a way that students can meet people from SF State in person to find out things like the QTRC,” Eiselt said. “… And really answer any questions they have about what it’s going to be like being at State and being a part of the LGBTQ community at State and how to get connected.”

People who stopped by the booth could pick up free swag, including rainbow bracelets, pencils, pins, pom poms and SFSU brochures. People were also prompted to scan the QR code on the table, leading them to a survey about their interest in the school. Current students and alums were asked about their interest in joining a queer affinity group on campus.

Emily Lee, an SF State alumnus, said she volunteered at the event for the opportunity to promote a new queer affinity group. Lee is working with other alums and faculty to revive the queer affinity group that existed on campus before the pandemic.

“We wanted to still be connected to State in some way,” Lee said.

The group would be an opportunity for alums to network and get connected to queer resources. They’re set to have their first meeting over Zoom on July 26.

Chloe Simons, the director of the Queer Trans Resource Center, believes that it is essential for SFSU to be transparent with prospective students on what to expect from the university.

“I think it’s important that State let students know the resources that are available because students are going to be coming to SF State — Queer students are going to be coming to SF State — and they should feel reassured that they will have support.”

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About the Contributors
Photo of Andrea Jiménez
Andrea Jiménez, Staff Reporter
Andrea Jiménez (She/Her) is a reporter for Golden Gate Xpress. She is a double major in journalism and apparel design and merchandising. She has previously written for YR Media in Oakland, California and has published audio pieces in KQED's "With a Perspective" series.


Photo of Tam Vu
Tam Vu, Photo Editor
Tâm Vũ (she/her) is a Vietnamese-American photographer for Golden Gate Xpress and Xpress Magazine. She is a fourth-year photojournalism major with a minor in Asian American studies. She originally entered SF State as a print and online journalism major, but switched to photojournalism in her second year after finding her passion for visual storytelling. Her special interests include Asian American identity and music journalism. In the near future, she hopes to make a video documentary on her parents' immigration story to highlight the generational impact that the Vietnam War has on many families. Outside of school, she loves to attend live music shows, find new music, and crochet.

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