Parking Meters around SF State:
2-hour limit: 41
30-minute limit: 20
Cost for both meters: $2/hour
“We have no concrete plans to install the meters at SF State, but are certainly vetting the concept with various stakeholders and soliciting input,” said SFMTA spokesman Paul Rose in an email. The SFMTA did not respond to requests for the review, and did not clarify how the agency is considering the concept with stakeholders.
There are currently 61 full-size metered parking spaces and 22 motorcycle metered parking spaces near SF State campus. All are clustered on the southern side of SF State, on Holloway Avenue and Tapia Drive. Of the full-size metered parking spaces, 20 have a 30-minute time limit. The other 41 have a 2-hour limit. Both types of metered spaces have the same rate – $2 per hour.
“The meters aren’t even worth it because of the time limits,” SF State international business major Tawfiq Kaileh, 31, said, adding that more parking meters would greatly affect his ability to get to class. “Public transportation isn’t an economical option.”
Kaileh, who commutes to school from Belmont, Calif., would pay $11.60 per day in combined BART and Muni fares, compared to the less than $8 he spends per day in gas getting to and from school. He would still have to drive from his home to the nearest BART station.
The possibility of adding parking meters around the campus was the result of an SFMTA city-wide review of on-street parking regulations, Rose said, insisting that idea was not a revenue-driven one, but would instead be an attempt to encourage greater use of public transportation.
SF State business administration major Jimmy Kim, 23, said he doesn’t like the way the SFMTA targets drivers and doesn’t believe the agency’s services justify increasing fares for public transit users like himself, and increased parking fees and tickets for drivers. Kim said he spends about $60 per month riding the Muni M line to SF State.
“I disagree with almost everything the SFMTA is doing,” Kim said.