With shiny iPads and HD flatscreens, the remodeled information desk at the Cesar Chavez Student Center is trying to attract more students, but not everyone seems happy with the high-tech remodel.
While students can go to the Student Information Center to see when Muni or BART departs, purchase Clipper cards and ask around for general information, the recent renovations have been met with mixed reaction. The desk project, which included the desk area’s wall, ceiling and electrical work, was estimated to cost $68,000.
Guy Dalpe, managing director at the student center, couldn’t tell how much was spent on the remodeling of the information desk. This money came from the student repair and replacement fund.
Dalpe thought the renovation was necessary in order to freshen up the student center.
“The desk hadn’t been renovated in over 37 years. The reactions of the students are really positive, especially with the layout in general,” he said.
“My first thought when I saw it — and the iPads that are locked down to it — was that the money used to pay for this would have been better spent on paying for much-needed classes,” the 20-year-old broadcast and electronic communication arts major said. “If there is enough money coming in from student fees to pay for a complete restructuring of the student information desk, two iPads, heavy locking security equipment to (lock) down the iPads, ergonomic chairs, a disco light and to rent all of the blow-up and carnival equipment, plus who knows what more, then there is too much going towards the student government.”
The student center gets 65 percent of their total revenue from the student body center fee and the other 35 percent from operating revenue. The operating revenue consists of commercial services, support services, food services, the recreation center and general programs.
The remodel of the student center took longer than initially planned, with the final project completed in mid-September, a jump from the original date of Aug. 17. The information desk had a soft opening Sept. 19, with the official grand opening scheduled for Oct. 12.
“This is to blame on the complexity of the design, this took some time,” Dalpe said.
Urban studies and planning major Colton Coty enjoys the new appearance on the whole. In the past he rarely used the information desk, but said that it is a great service for school organizations and outside visitors.
“It offers a very contemporary look and it seems to be fitting the school’s ‘look’ for new buildings. My only criticism is that it is too plain. The white gives a cool look, but there is really nothing else eye-popping,” Coty, 21, said. “As of now I do not think that the money that went into it was worth it. Yet, there is a lot of potential for it. Hopefully they make it more aesthetically pleasing and offer more services that students would actually use.”
John Doctor, associate director of facilities and maintenance at the student center, explained that the project should not be taken at face value. Included in the revamp was the renovation of walls, ceilings, the fire system and lighting and storm drain pump alarm panels in the area.
“A smaller budget would not have been as successful with depth of the deliverables, the specifications needed, added services and value added,” he said. “I’ve personally received great positive feedback that the desk has a ‘cool, iconic’ look to it where you can reserve a room, have better access to Wi-Fi and see the Muni schedule.”
Not everyone is as enthusiastic as Doctor. According to Matt Bacon, a computer science major, the large sum of money it took to renovate was not spent wisely.
“The older information desk was useful because it was made for business,” Bacon said. “The info desk does not need to be fun; it just needs to be helpful. It does not matter what technology or design is used. People will go there when they need something, not just for fun.”
The 22-year-old was headed to the space for tabling permits and also to check BART info. The fact that the television screen displays these times on a rotating basis annoyed him.
“Any info posted on the screens is useless unless I need info on the quick. I’d rather look at a poster or piece of paper with the exact information I need. I don’t know how much of the student fee was spent on it, but in the end that does not matter. Wasteful spending is still wasteful spending, no matter where the money comes from,” he said.
Doctor does not share the same sentiment.
“There can be times where students don’t have a platform to access the internet. Student staff at the information desk can assist with the process of room reservations, events, giving and showing directions and answer any questions guests may have,” he said. “The information we provide is not just general, but includes detailed and guidance for students in navigating the campus or learning about procedures, departments and events on campus.”
There seems to be no clear-cut view on the remodel, except that many students are looking for more money to go toward their education, rather than the aesthetics of campus buildings.
“The futuristic styling makes me feel as though I am walking through a science fiction school. I don’t see anything bad about it, I’m all for avant-garde tables,” Max Maddox, 19, a broadcast electronics and communication major, said. “But don’t get me wrong, if we’re spending money that could go somewhere else, I would rather see it not go to waste on desk renovation.”
Matt Bacon • Oct 4, 2012 at 8:53 am
@CampusAlum: It’s funny that you tell me to go through other means to get the BART schedule. Why can’t the new desk just have that as a poster?
CampusAlum • Oct 3, 2012 at 2:35 pm
Some may not realize the old desk was not ADA friendly, especially in this age with predatory lawyers are going for thousands of dollars in legal settlements for even the most minor ADA violations. The height of the old counter may be fine for people who can walk and stand, but it’s not helpful for those confined to a wheelchair. At least the new one meets appropriate ADA standards.
I also appreciate the CCSC staff for upgrading and maintaining the facilities. An upgraded fire alarm and storm drain alarm system is helpful in the name of safety for everyone who uses the facilities. Without the money generated in part from fees and revenue raised, the student center wouldn’t exist or go into disrepair. Without the funding, this would just be a boring campus with limited options for students for activities, club meetings, places to eat and congregate, and other services.
As for the student annoyed with looking at BART info on screens, go to a BART station and grab a train schedule, or why not use the computer lab and print a copy for yourself?
Leigh Wolf • Oct 3, 2012 at 2:20 pm
Students who were elected by other students could have stopped this non-sense. Regardless of whether or not they are ASI or CCSC governing board members, they can all be considered student government in some form. They could have, and should have, insisted on a modest upgrade that reflected the current economic conditions and budgetary constraints facing students, the school and the state.
Apply common sense to what’s in this story; what student is going to walk to an information desk to find out when muni and bart trains are departing? Every student either has a smart phone or a laptop to find the same information, and the ones that don’t are probably sitting right next to someone who does. So there’s one useless flat screen TV or iPad right there.
Just because money is allocated for specific purpose doesn’t mean you are required to spend all of it. Sure is easy to spend someone else’s money though isn’t it?
More to my point though, there simply isn’t any accountability. If students knew how much money was spent on unnecessary items such as personal laptops, furniture and “leadership retreats” (aka, weekend of partying on someone else’s dime) for elected students, they would throw all of those bums out. I wish one of the journalists from the xpress would take a hard look into it.
They stole my money, don’t let them steal yours.
formerasirep • Oct 3, 2012 at 11:51 am
There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding going on in regards to “student government” in this case ASI funding this project. ASI in this case is not responsible for the newly remodeled information desk in the student center. The decision was made entirely by the Cesar Chavez Student Center Governing Board, which although has 3 ASI representatives sitting on it, is also composed of separately elected rep-at large students, as well as faculty and university appointees.
And in terms of using the money for something else, they can’t,because the money where it came from (in this case the repair and replacement fund) can only be used for certain improvements within the CCSC. So to say that the money could have been used better for adding more classes, etc., although yes that may be true, it just can’t be used for that purpose.
I do agree that this may all seem confusing to the student population in general and that perhaps the CCSC in the future should release some sort of information material to inform to inform how a certain project is being funded to ease student concerns. It may also be beneficial for students who are curious about such things to research more about ASI and the CCSC Governing Board, just to see what each entity has jurisdiction over.
D • Oct 3, 2012 at 11:42 am
The iPad security locks are hardly “heavy” and only cost $79, a small price to pay to keep them safe so they don’t have to replace whole iPads if anything happens to them. Also, the iPads were purchased from the bookstore, so the money went back to the school.
Leigh Wolf • Oct 3, 2012 at 11:18 am
The problem with the student government is that there is zero accountability. At a school of tens of thousands, the reps are elected with just hundreds of votes. Do they still hire former elected reps to “work” at the student center? Did they ever find the former student body president’s “missing” apple laptop that had been purchased with student money months before? What about the countless other missing computers? Is anyone ever going to hold their feet to the fire for using student fees, that are collected to fund STUDENT programs, to bring elementary school kids to tour the campus? Especially considering the states already funds an identical program through the school. They wasted our money when I went there and it appears that not much has changed.