The Student News Site of San Francisco State University

First 100: Biden hits 200 million shots

April 29, 2021

The Biden administration hit a new milestone on April 21 — 200 million COVID-19 shots administered to the American public since President Biden’s inauguration.

The achievement is the second goal the administration set within the president’s first 100 days of office. The nation met the first goal of 100 million shots on March 18. These numbers only reflect shots administered starting on Jan. 20, and do not include any shots the public received under former President Trump.

At the time of publication, the Centers for Disease Control states that 43% of the nation has received at least one Covid shot, and 23% are fully vaccinated. Of those vaccinated, 82% of those over the age of 65 have received one shot; 54.5% of those over the age of 18 have received at least one shot.

In San Francisco, 61% of the population has gotten one Covid vaccine. According to Mayor London Breed, the city is on track to have roughly 80% of its population provided at least one shot. In order for the nation to reach a herd immunity of sorts, an estimated 70-85% of the population must be vaccinated.


WATCH: Biden’s goal of administering 200 million shots of Covid vaccines was met roughly a week before his 100th day in office. Watch to see how state and local county vaccination efforts compare and contrast, and how much they contribute to the 200 million milestone.

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Photo of Chris Ramirez
Chris Ramirez
Chris Ramirez is a senior at SF State who will graduate in May. He is double majoring in journalism and German and minoring in political science. He serves as editor-in-chief for SF State's student publication, the Golden Gate Xpress and is the spring California intern at POLITICO.

Chris lives in San Francisco and hails from Southern California. In his free time, he enjoys reading, running and living vicariously through the women on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. After graduating, he looks forward to catching up on some much-needed sleep.

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