Xpress Yourself: Spring 2022

New experiences and interactions are some of the things we heard when Xpress asked students what they were looking forward to this semester

Jan 26, 2022

The start of the spring semester comes with uncertainty as all classes will be online until Feb. 14. In the meantime, students continue to learn via Zoom in an all too familiar setting.

Some students who talked to the Xpress begin to look toward what the future holds. New experiences and interactions are some of the things we heard when Xpress asked students what they were looking forward to this semester.




Saleem Waheedb: I think I’m looking forward to interacting with people. Given the situation right now, I think it
would be a bit different given we are like online.
Lauryn Snyder: Once February hits, more in-class experiences. I’m a TA, so last semester I was TAing online. I’m excited to learn how that experience is gonna go.
Allen Ventura: Exploring SF more and taking more classes in school and see what it has to offer.
Nora Russell: I have a lot more in-person classes this semester. So I’m kind of excited to meet more people
and stuff like that.
Maelynn Le: Get to meet new people that I haven’t seen before on campus and hopefully diverse myself to
new people, professors, etc.
Rashad Bagnerise: More in-person classes. I know they said they’re opening up more in-person classes and they
said they’re filling the classes in a bit more.
Bee Burgonio: Managing my schedule and just kind of making a life for myself.
Rashad Bagnerise: It sucks. I don’t really like online learning, but it is what it is.
Nora Russell: I’m not super excited about it. I understand where it comes from in terms of being safe, I
completely understand that but it’s always just a bummer to hear that feels kind of disheartening
a little bit.
Allen Ventura: It’s expected because of the rise of the cases so far with omicron. It sucks but you know, you
gotta get through it.
Saleem Waheedb: It’s not something that we all are looking forward to but it is something that is necessary given
the situation of COVID and everything.
Lauryn Snyder: I appreciate it just because of how chaotic it is right now. I think we’re all used to it. So it’s kind of exciting to go back. I can do another month if that’s what it takes.
Maelynn Le: I’m okay with it. I mean, in my personal opinion, online learning was something that I never
really 100% struggled with to be honest, but I do wish sometimes I was in-person.
Bee Burgonio: I mean, I know like a year and a half doesn’t compare to three weeks but it’s also just like ughhh.

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About the Contributors
Photo of Rene Ramirez
Rene Ramirez, Multimedia Editor
Rene Ramirez (he/him) is a fourth-year photojournalism major with a minor in race and resistance studies at SF State and is the multimedia editor for Golden Gate Xpress. He is from the Bay Area where he runs and owns his magazine, FIRSTPLACE Magazine. Through this, he has been able to take photos at concerts and music festivals around the country. In his free time, Rene has an addiction to buying cheap 35mm film cameras.

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