Political science department hosts midterm election watch party
Students and faculty in the political science department discussed the impact of this year’s midterm results.
November 9, 2022
Approximately 40 SF State students and faculty gathered in the Political Science department to watch the nationwide midterm elections over food and drinks.
Rebecca Eissler, assistant professor at SF State who teaches fundamentals of political science, was an event host at Tuesday’s party. She explained the importance of uniting students together post-COVID-19, now that social distancing barriers have decreased.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for us to get back in and opinionate together,” Eissler said. “Television is not going to answer your question, we [the Political Science department] can help explain it and make it much more engaging than just watching the results come in.”
Leila Harara, political science graduate student, shared how the midterm election can change control of the House of Representatives.
“It is a big election for us, it is going to determine the rest of President Joe Biden’s election,” Harara said. “This is going to show us if we can get any legislation through before the 2024 presidential election.”
Graduate student Mara Nix also pointed out the diversity in this year’s Republican campaign.
“We have seen the most people of color and the most ethnically diverse Republican candidates running for office in terms of senators and congressmen,” Nix said. “This can be a precursor to new elections and we are really seeing a shift in American democracy here.”