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The Student News Site of San Francisco State University

Golden Gate Xpress

The Student News Site of San Francisco State University

Golden Gate Xpress

SFSU shuttle service will be discontinued in the fall

Parking and Transportation Services will not resume the shuttle program due to financial unsustainability
Neal Wong
An SFSU shuttle awaiting passengers on Aug. 21, 2023, the first day of the Fall 2023 semester. (Neal Wong / Golden Gate Xpress)

San Francisco State University Parking and Transportation will not resume the SFSU shuttle service between the Daly City BART station and campus in the fall.

According to an email sent by Parking and Transportation Services, ridership of the free shuttle from the BART station to and from campus has decreased by 80% since before the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to conversations about discontinuing the service last year.

SFSU’s shuttle program began in 1989 and is fully funded by Parking and Transportation. The service costs nearly $800,000 per year and will exceed $1 million within the next year or two, according to the email.

An SFSU shuttle driver looks in the vehicle’s mirror on Aug. 21, 2023, the first day of the Fall 2023 semester. (Neal Wong / Golden Gate Xpress)

“Given the reduced revenues from parking permits and fees, the annual cost of operating the free shuttle was unsustainable,” said Kent Bravo, media relations specialist, in an email to Golden Gate Xpress.

Parking and Transportation also stated in the email that they have partnered with Muni to ensure that timely service exists between Daly City BART station and campus.

“University administration conducted a thorough evaluation into the collaboration with Muni in 2023-24,” said Joy Manaois, SFSU Director of Operations and Finance, in an email statement to Golden Gate Xpress. “At the conclusion of that process in the spring it was determined that Muni’s bus service between Daly City BART station and the campus is sufficient, rendering the shuttle service redundant.”

Funds saved from discontinuing the shuttle service “will be used towards exploring the implementation of ride-share, e-bikes, e-scooters, and bike-sharing programs and partnering with services like Lyft, Uber, Lime, Spin, Bay Wheels, or local bike-sharing programs to offer discounted rates for students to encourage sustainable transportation practices,” the email stated.

Currently, the GatorPass program allows SFSU students to access public transit at a discounted cost. A recent Alternative Consultation process approved by the Student Fee Advisory Committee, recommended the approval of expanding the program by extending Clipper BayPass benefits to all students and reducing the GatorPass fee to $130 per semester.

According to Bravo, the expansion initiative’s approval is expected shortly. 

“Access to public transportation continues to be essential for SF State’s students, faculty, and staff,” said Manaois. “Students will continue to have free access to public transit through the GatorPass, and faculty and staff can continue using pre-tax transit benefits for Muni 28 and 28R bus services.”

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About the Contributors
Gabriela Calvillo Alvarez
Gabriela Calvillo Alvarez, Breaking News Editor
Gabriela Calvillo Alvarez (she/they) is breaking news editor for Golden Gate Xpress. She is double majoring in journalism and political science, two passions she holds near to her heart. Growing up in the East Bay, Gabriela graduated from Washington High School, where she wrote and was news editor on the award-winning school newspaper, The Hatchet. She also participated in The Stanford Daily Summer Internship in 2020. During their spare time, Gabriela enjoys going out with friends, attending concerts and learning new things. 
Neal Wong
Neal Wong, Co-Copy Editor
Neal Wong (he/him) is a third-year journalism student and minoring in urban studies and planning. He was born and raised in San Francisco and attended Washington High School. He has photographed and written for Golden Gate Xpress first as a contributor, then as a photographer, and now as a copy editor. His photos have also been published by the San Francisco Bay ViewSan Francisco Public Press, Mission Local, and Xpress Magazine. Neal has also created and taught four SFSU Experimental College courses. His hobbies include traveling, cooking, and reading.

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