President Leslie E. Wong and his wife, Phyllis Wong, joined students for breakfast in the Café in the Park restaurant in Mary Park this morning. Wong hoped to encourage students to vote at the new campus polling place located in the Towers Conference Center.
Along with speaking to students, Wong handed out yellow “Why vote?” bags.
The breakfast, which was originally planned in the City Eats Dining Center, was moved to Café in the Park because of lack of attendance. Wong decided the move would allow him to see more students.
One student he encountered was business and administration major Harry Crobon, who had already cast his vote but didn’t recognize the special guest.
“I have voted, yes, but I didn’t even know he is our University president,” Crobon, 18, said.
Others are still waiting for an open slot of time to vote.
“I’m planning to vote after my classes today, and I think that I know on who I’m going to vote,” Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts major Angela Beck said. “I didn’t even know he is our president, I feel so bad!”
After breakfast, Wong walked students to the on-campus polling location.