A records request by Xpress found that no officers currently employed by UPD have ever been written up for sexual assault, use of force or dishonesty in the field since they began at SF State.
Since the beginning of 2019, Senate Bill 1421, proposed by Berkeley’s state Sen. Nancy Skinner, made certain previously private records regarding police misconduct available to the public.
In January The San Francisco Chronicle reported on records released by the Fairfield Police Department, finding three officers with histories of sustained sexual misconduct allegations and four others who were disciplined for dishonesty. This led Xpress to look into UPD.
“San Francisco State University has conducted a reasonable search for these records… and has determined that it has no responsive records,” said Andrea Whipple-Samuel, Compliance and Policy Coordinator for Quality Assurance, the department within the administration responsible for handling public records requests. No responsive records means there is no documentation of any of the above transgressions.
The types of records made available include instances where officers used force resulting in significant harm or death, fired their weapon, committed sexual assault or acted dishonestly, according to the bill’s text. Since the bill became law, news organizations across the state began submitting requests to local police departments.
“When incidents occur the public deserves to know that a thorough investigation has occurred and that police are held accountable,” said Skinner, according to a press release sent out from her office.