Xochitl leads a chant as the group marches down Market Street for San Francisco’s ‘March for Our Rights’ on Oct. 2, 2021. ‘Degrading women or revolution’ they asked, to which crowds responded, ‘I choose revolution!’ (Morgan Ellis / Golden Gate Xpress) (Morgan Ellis)
Xochitl leads a chant as the group marches down Market Street for San Francisco’s ‘March for Our Rights’ on Oct. 2, 2021. ‘Degrading women or revolution’ they asked, to which crowds responded, ‘I choose revolution!’ (Morgan Ellis / Golden Gate Xpress)

Morgan Ellis

Annual Women’s March centers on Texas abortion law

October 2, 2021

Hundreds gathered at San Francisco’s Civic Center on Saturday morning for the annual Women’s March, held nationally. 

This year’s march, titled the “March for Our Rights,” centered largely around reproductive rights, an aftershock from Texas’s abortion law, which was signed into action last month and prevents terminating a pregnancy past six weeks gestation. 

The march also comes days before the Supreme Court reconvenes Monday morning. In early September, the SCOTUS voted 5-4 against temporarily blocking the law.

Given that the Supreme Court justices are now majority conservative, this upcoming Supreme Court decision leaves people fearful of the security of Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision that ensures protection for pregnant people’s choice to have an aborition without the federal government stepping in.

“That’s why we’re marching in every single state and in our nation’s capital — Washington, DC — on Oct. 2 before the Supreme Court reconvenes,” reads the Women’s March organization’s website, in a call to action to have protests conducted nationally. 

“We need to send an unmistakable message about our fierce opposition to restricting abortion access and overturning Roe v. Wade before it’s too late,” the site read.

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Photo of Morgan Ellis
Morgan Ellis
Morgan Ellis is a staff photographer for Xpress. She moved to San Francisco last year to pursue her Photojournalism degree with a minor in Museum Studies. Ellis is excited to use her photography to meet new people and create beautiful visuals of their lives and stories. In addition to photography, she loves watching movies, going on hikes, writing lists and baking pies.

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