SF State students give their opinions on whether SF State should continue to uphold the mask mandate.
May 2, 2022
Although the city of San Francisco lifted its strict mask mandates, SF State still enforces mask-wearing on campus as the city’s cases are the highest in the state. Golden Gate Xpress asked students to take a closer look at this topic and share their opinions on whether our school should continue to wear masks.
00:39 to 00:53
Uza Uzia- Like I understand it’s your personal choice if you want to wear a mask or not at this point, but I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to? COVID is still, yes it’s not as you know, as high and as contagious as it was in the past but it’s still there.
00:53 to 01:00
Nicole Owens- I wish I didn’t have to, but like if someone is going to be more comfortable with me wearing my mask then I would happily wear my mask if they feel more safe.
01:00 to 01:21
Melissa Ness- They took away their mandatory testing that they were doing. So it kind of feels weird that they took away that, which was your main source to kind of contain the virus, kind of seeing who has they see who like knowing like obviously you still have to take it if you still got symptoms, but testing everyone was probably actually more effective than you know keeping these masks off.
01:21 to 01:42
Uza Uzia- If COVID weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t be wearing masks on a public transportation because that is not; that is a place where you have so many people in one spot, getting on getting off. You don’t know how often it’s been cleaned. We don’t know what the people on there are dealing with and you know, people have places that they need to go, you know, so it’s hard. You can’t just not ride public transportation if you need it.
01:42 to 01:50
Edrick Marcelo- I mean, cases are going up right now since the mask mandate got lifted so I understand that. But at this point, I feel like it should be everyone’s personal choice.
01:50 to 02:00
Rachel Lee- If the campus decides it wants to keep masks, I’m like okay, I’ll wear a mask and if they say to get rid of it, I’ll be like okay then. I won’t wear one. I literally have no opinion. I don’t care either way.