College Corps to provide students with $10,000 for community service
California state-funded fellowship aims to financially support low-income and Dreamer students
May 6, 2022
California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday visited SF State on May 4 to promote a new state-funded fellowship, #CaliforniansForAll College Corps, that aims to support low-income and AB 540 Dreamer students. SF State was one of 48 California colleges selected to participate in the program out of 235 campuses across the state.
Fryday was accompanied by SF State President Lynn Mahoney and other administrators from CSU Monterey Bay, CSU East Bay and San Jose State, which are also participating in the program.
“Too many are struggling, not just to pay for tuition, but to pay for books, food and rent. And too many are graduating with crippling debt,” Fryday said.
The program has been approved for two years. Once a student is accepted into the program they must complete 450 hours of community service between August 2022 and May 2023. After completion, they will be awarded a $7,000 stipend and then receive an additional $3,000.
“We are saying to a new generation of Californians, ‘if you are willing to serve, if you are willing to step up and help your community in a meaningful way, then we are willing to help you pay for college,’” Fryday said. “Everyone, everyone deserves that chance.”
According to CSU East Bay Interim Provost Kimberly Greer, they have already reached about 90% of its allotted capacity.
In total there will be 5,600 students in the program across the 48 colleges.
According to Institute for Civic and Community Engagement Executive Director Jen Gasang, there are 50 spots for SF State students, 10 of which are allotted for AB 540 Dreamers.
The deadline to apply was originally set for May 6, but was extended to May 13 and further pushed to May 20, in hopes of increasing participation.
Applications for the 2022-23 cohort will close May 20 at midnight. The application can be found at SF State’s website.