An illustration of a blonde person whispering into a brunette person’s ear. (Illustration by Myron Caringal / Golden Gate Xpress) (Myron Caringal)
An illustration of a blonde person whispering into a brunette person’s ear. (Illustration by Myron Caringal / Golden Gate Xpress)

Myron Caringal

Between the Issues: Newsroom secrets and SF State confessions

November 5, 2022

Two newspaper-plastered classrooms filled with tired, yet eager reporters sit side by side on the third floor of the Humanities Building.

These are the magazine and newspaper production rooms, and the single door separating the two finally opened this semester. 

Welcome to Between the Issues, the very first collaborative podcast between the Golden Gate Xpress newspaper and Xpress Magazine. 

In the second episode of podcast, GGX Managing Editor Myron Caringal and Xpress Art Editor Ximena Loeza dish about upcoming stories and the editor-in-chief selection process for the publications.

Caringal and Loeza sat down with this month’s special guests, the administrators of the popular Instagram account SFSU Confessions, to spill the tea on the page’s behind-the-scenes.

SFSU Confessions launched during 2021-22 school year and has since gained over 5,000 followers.

There are multiple administrators behind the page, but not all are active. Two sophomores and a senior – who weren’t friends previously but are the most active account managers – agreed to sit in an interview with Xpress with the condition they remain anonymous. 

Hear what they have to say, and more, in the second episode of Between the Issues.


Myron: Hi everyone and welcome to the second episode of Between the Issues. I’m Myron Caringal, managing editor for Golden Gate Xpress and I’m joined by the art director of Xpress Magazine, my bestie, Ximena Loeza.

Ximena: Hey guys.

Preview of the show

Myron: For those of you who don’t know, SF State’s Journalism Department hosts two student-run publications: Xpress Magazine and the Golden Gate Xpress newspaper.

Ximena: Yeah, we both have our own newsroom and staff. But after about like 20 years of coexistence and some form of weird tension from who knows what, we decided to finally work together on this fun and fresh new project to discuss some of our favorite stories and get you excited about what we have coming.

The elephant in the room

Myron: All right, before we jump into that, though, I kind of want to address the tension in the room – the elephant, if you will. Ximena, if you want to have your take on it. 

Ximena: I don’t know, I feel like I’ve been a part of these publications for almost two years now. And it was just that door between the magazine and the newsroom were always just closed. And it wasn’t like there was any like major beef. But it just felt like they didn’t get along. And they were two separate publications. But I think this podcast and just this new semester, marks the beginning of us actually being sister publications and not two separate publications. 

Myron: The door is a perfect symbol of like how this semester has been going, just having it open. 

Recently on Xpress

Myron: All right, well, let’s just get into it. So actually wanted to talk about Xpress Magazine, your last issue, it was great, 10 out of 10. And not just the content, but also the art of it. It was so good you and Daniel did such an amazing job and for having like no InDesign experience prior.

Ximena: It was so much fun doing it. I mean, learning InDesign in like less than a month and a half was really a challenge. But it’s been so much fun putting it together. And I will say I’m really lucky to work with such an incredible staff to make it a lot easier. I’ve been having a really good time. And I can’t wait for the next one. So thank you. 

Myron: Yeah, and this one is going to actually be printed. So when does it come out? 

Ximena: Hopefully by mid-November, check us out. You can find any of those printed issues at any box that say Xpress Magazine on the SF State campus. And of course check out Golden Gate Xpress, too because it seems like you guys have been coming up with a lot of stories, too.

What you guys have going on right now? 

Myron: I feel like this semester since we are campus-focused – which was mentioned in the last podcast by miss Editor-in-Chief Lisa Moreno – we’ve been really trying to dig deep in the stories that we’ve always been questioning or the just the topics we’ve been questioned about, like, where’s our football team? Where’s the pride? I feel like that’s the center of campus pride and we don’t have that football team. So one of our very great sports reporters, Jack Davies, he is trying to find that out. And also advising – that’s another story we’re working on. As you know, listeners or I’m sure you’ve had an experience before with academic advisors that just aren’t too great. And you happen to take on units that are not required or— yeah, have you had that experience?

Ximena: Literally right before you came in here, we were all talking about how terrible advising can be because I’m supposed to graduate this semester. But I’m like, I’m not being like completely sure about it. Because you never know if advising is going to suddenly be like, ‘Actually, you have to take these two more classes.’ I’ve heard from multiple amount of students that that has happened to them. So I’m so glad that you guys are covering this because it is like so important. 

Myron: Yeah, it’s definitely a problem. And that’s one thing like we’re trying to do, too is like what is what are the things we’re mad about? And let’s put it into our reporting. But yeah, what’s going on with magazine? 

Ximena: The cool thing I think about having sister publications is that I feel like we almost get to like, share stories. I think it was in October, you guys put a story up about the Golden Gate Bridge protests for Iranian women, which I think was so important, and had some really, really powerful visuals in there. And then one of our reporters, her name is Angelina Casolla. She’s writing a story, too, about the Iranian conflict, and especially how it’s affecting SF State students. So it feels really cool that we’re able to almost share a topic and build off each other’s stories, which I think is really important because, of course, magazine stories are known for being a little bit of a longer form. It feels like we can dive deeper, or just kind of re—, not redo but just reinvent the story, I guess. 

Myron: Yeah, that’s a really important story. And I think the first step to like building our Xpress Publications relationship is opening that door. But the next step is helping each other with content because like we can drive traffic to each other. And I don’t know y’all, y’all can definitely deep dive into stories that we kind of do short form on and… 

Ximena: One story that I’m really excited for one of our reporters, Ciara O’Kelley, is going to be doing a story on the effects of unrestricted internet access to children and how it’s affected them over the years.

Myron: Oh wow. I think about that a lot.

Ximena: I remember she had posted it when she was thinking about pitching, se had posted some information on her Instagram and I immediately swiped up I was like, ‘The amount of stuff I could talk about about how unrestricted internet access as a child has messed me up is like, the list is insane.’ So it’s really cool to see her be doing the story and I’m interested to see how she makes it a little bit more hyperlocal because as we know, we are a pretty hyper-local publications, both Golden Gate Xpress and Xpress Magazine. So I’m interested to see on how she makes that a little bit more, yeah, hyperlocal.

Myron: If I may, I want to self-plug my own story.

Ximena: Is it the story?

Myron: It’s the story. It’s basically about this thing called ‘cruising,’ which is in the gay culture, or the gay community, it’s this phenomenon that happens I think it roots from – which I’m trying to find out – but it roots from gay being taboo in society. So these closeted men had to go to these kind of public, but also like, kind of private locations, like in the middle of the forest, or like public restrooms, where you can like, be in the stall, and they would have sex. And so this is like, it’s still a thing, even though being gay is like it’s being more widely accepted, it’s still a thing. And at San Francisco State University, specifically, that kind of local angle to it. It happens on campus in some of these buildings. And I don’t want to say too much just because it might expose, but there’s evidence of it. And I’m trying to get sources that participate in the phenomenon of cruising, and so look out for that one.

Ximena: Yeah, we call it the story, because I feel like it’s a story that you’ve been working on for a little bit.

Myron: Yeah. I feel like the gay community in general is underreported. And like, I want to give voice to my own community, so.

Ximena: But it’s an interesting story. Because when you told me about it, and you told me some of the locations like on campus, I was like, ‘That’s here. That is like in our backyard.’ It’s just crazy to think because of course, this is a school grounds and it’s something you would never think that could be happening. So it’s really interesting to hear about like, something so unknown.

Myron: So even though it’s kind of early in the semester, we actually sent out applications to be editor-in-chief for either publication and a couple of weeks ago, and earlier this week, the applications were due. And we had the panel where all the students, all the reporters got to ask the potential candidates questions about if they were EIC, editor-in-chief. And we have three candidates,

Ximena: Me and Myron are talking right now, the afternoon after the panel. So this just happened today, basically. And how do you think it went? I thought it went really great. If anything, I feel like I wish I could have asked more questions. But I think I’m just nosy in that way. But what how’d you think it went, Myron?

Myron: Yeah, that was kind of one thing that people were saying, ‘I wish there was more time to ask questions.’ They tried to get everyone to ask questions, and everyone answered – all the three candidates.

Ximena: So I just wanted to talk a little bit more about what goes into choosing an EIC or an editor-in-chief for our publications. So applications for both publications went out on the first. We had the panel on the second. After the panel, all the students, the writers, editors and reporters got to put in their votes. And then I believe that there is a, it’s a publication committee that also votes, right? Yeah. So

Myron: Yeah, so next week is the formal interview with like the top editors, including Ximena and not me, just because I’m going to Hawaii, but the current, the current top editors along with the incoming advisers, which is going to be the same advisers, Rachele Kanigel, Josh Davis and Laura Moorhead.

Ximena: And then from there, after those interviews is when we’ll make the decision and after editor-in-chief is chosen for each publications, those editors will then choose their editors, their fellow editors, such as managing editor, copy editor, multimedia, things like that, that will be chosen by the editor-in-chief.

Myron: There are a lot of good candidates, a lot of good answers. So I’m kind of excited to see where it takes us.

So for our staff spotlight for this episode I’d like to bring on Zackery Stehr, he is the, or one of the campus editors for, at Golden Gate Xpress. And he recently published a story with Isabella Vines, our Diversity Editor on the prayer rooms on campus. Yeah.

Staff spotlight: Zackery Stehr

Zackery: I’m Zackery Stehr. I’m one of the section or campus section editors this semester for Golden Gate Xpress. And I just look at my writers’ stories and try to come up with my own sometimes.

Myron: Yeah, so the reason we brought you on here is because we want to talk about your prayer room story, which is kind of a big story, it just came out— well, it came out Oct. 17. And I think it’s a really important story. 

Zackery: So originally, I wanted to do kind of a story on – I don’t want to say the culture around, but just kind of like, I don’t know if it’s phenomena or just the increase of like, kind of religious extremists that had been coming to campus. And I know, for the most part, the extremists tend to target Muslims, and especially Muslim women, just because when they wear a hijab, it’s obviously identifying. 

So we reached out to MSA (Muslim Student Association), just to kind of get quotes and see if they knew of any, like experiences within their members and stuff like that. And then when we got on the call with the president of MSA, she started to talk about just a bunch of other issues that they had been facing, but particularly they talked about like the prayer room, and how campus administrators have just been giving them run arounds and just kind of like being very slow to get things together. And then also, you know, giving them a temporary space saying it’s open for everybody. And then just a lot of complications like that.

Throughout their time of sharing this room – I believe they got it back in November of 2021. even actually, before that, so during like August, I think before that fall semester of 2021, they have been granted the room and they were trying to access it before school started. And you know, of course administration just kind of being slow and like not communicating clearly. They’re like, ‘Oh, we want to like clear out all this stuff. We want to make it usable. That’s why you can get in there.’ And then I think another campus administrator was like, ‘Oh, we want to refurbish it, we want to do all these things to it.’ And MSA was just like, ‘We would just like it to be cleared out, we can clear it out, we just want to opened and for use.’ And so there’s a lot of back and forth on that. And then of course when it was finally opened, just as it had been opening up because there was the idea that it was inclusive of everybody there was definitely conflicts because they had certain rules like you know, taking off your shoes, they didn’t want to like have shoes on the carpet, that’s where they, they put mats down before they pray. But of course they don’t want to be praying on like a carpet that’s been walked on by like a bunch of dirty shoes. And then they also usually in like traditional mosques, they like separate men and women. And so they kind of had like a bit like a barrier thing that they would like put up to separate the men and the women. The school also put yoga mats into the room. And MSA was like ‘We don’t pray on yoga mats, we don’t use yoga mats.’ So obviously Muslim students weren’t using those yoga mats. So people would just come in. And apparently there was just one guy in particular, who would like constantly do yoga on the women’s side, and it was just like, make the room uncomfortable. They also talked about how people would like, you know, leave a Bible in there or just like, you know, kind of like these small microaggressions that we keep building up. And then they like one of the biggest ones was there was like, these people’s like students, like they weren’t even praying, I don’t think but they were just like kneeling in the corner, like on chairs with their shoes on definitely not how like Muslims pray. And then they also like started, I guess to like, say things I believe what they forbade them is what they told me they said was, ‘We don’t believe in God, we believe in Satan,’ something along those lines. So you know, just constant kind of like these weird small instances and microaggressions. 

Ximena: Oh, I found the post. This post I just think is so true. It says, ‘Journalistic objectivity is overrated. What really matters is transparency, accuracy and fairness.’ Because it’s true, because I think so many people are like, you have to be unbiased. You have to be unbiased. But we’re humans. There’s no such thing. We are born with bias. There’s no way around it. I think our jobs as journalists is to speak the truth and to be fair to everybody, as long as we report the truth, whether it’s advocating for a group of something that’s actually happening, like the MSA who isn’t getting a prayer room, which is very much needed to practice their religion. That is unfair. That’s not fairness, you know, especially if they already have spaces for other religious groups on campus. Why isn’t this one getting a proper space? It doesn’t sound fair to me.

Special guest: SFSU Confessions

Ximena: Welcome SFSU Confessions. This is crazy.

L: Yeah, we are nervous.

Ximena: Oh, we were super nervous, too. Like we were literally talking about how we were like super nauseous about vomit right before, so.

L: Yeah, we’ve been talking all about that.

Myron: I think— let’s just do icebreakers. 

Ximena: Oh! You know what’s a good icebreaker? I don’t know if you can think of one off the top of your head, but can you think of a favorite confession?

O: I have a personal favorite because it like had to do with me. This like, guy I was like, friends with he like sent a confession in about something that I did. I like pranked him with a pregnancy test. It was fake. 

Ximena: Wait, I think I remember that one. 

O: Yeah. He ended up confessing and I was like, this is a really good opportunity to involve myself.

Ximena: Involve yourself, but not technically involve yourself. 

O: Yeah. 

Ximena: Does anybody else have a favorite compression? You get like so many, it’s insane.

L: We have over 9000 right now.

Myron Caringal: 9000 submissions that you haven’t published, yet?

L: We have a lot that we publish, but we honestly can’t keep up; it’s over 9000 now.

Ximena: How many would you say you get a day? 

L: Over 50? 

Ximena: That’s crazy, actually.

L: It depends on the day, because if something happened on campus, everyone’s sending something in, too. So yeah. 

Ximena: Can you think of an example of when that happened?

L: For example, like there are people that are like about the whole Christianity thing and they’re like having the signs out, a lot of people send in things about that.

Ximena: I think I haven’t seen something like this and like so long and it’s so cool. Because I am such like— I feel like I was raised on the internet. And I love internet culture. And I love to see it. Like when people call out like the Humanities Building. I don’t know. I’ve seen so many like ‘The Humanities Building bathrooms are disgusting.’ And I’m like ‘That’s so true.’ 

L: We get that a lot.

Ximena: Well, I guess when would you say you started? Like, what year did the page open?

L: I don’t think people know this, but we’re the new ones. 

I: Well, I’ve been there since the beginning.

L: Oop—

Myron: Wait, so it’s bounced between multiple people.

I: Yeah, so, I was always commenting under every single post. I eventually asked the original admin if I could join.

Ximena: Wow. So this Instagram page has been running for a while then.

I: Oh, yeah, since the beginning of the school year.

Myron: So there’s more of you. I mean, right now for like the listeners, there’s three.

I: So yeah, we definitely have a lot more people. But we’re kind of like the main three who are always like in the group chat, always texting, always talking, all that kind of stuff.

Myron: So you mentioned your sophomore year, if you’re comfortable, what grades are y’all? And how old are y’all?

O: I’m also a sophomore. I’m 19.

L: I’m a senior right now.

Ximena: Oh, yeah. What will happen when you guys graduate?

L: I think we barely scratched the surface on this. But I think we kind of said like, we’ll just find someone else to replace me.

O: I’m actually just gonna delete the account. 

L: Oh my god.

O: It can’t, it can’t run without me. Like… 

I: I would have to agree with the…

Ximena: Really?

I: Yeah, what they said, because if we give it to new people, we don’t know what they’ll do you. Like you said like the internet, people want to be like all over it. All over it.

Ximena: Especially now. You guys have how many followers now? Almost—

I: 4000 something. 

Ximena: 4,000, that’s crazy. Especially for something so localized at SF State.

Myron: Where like, students really aren’t involved. But I feel like they get involved in this.

Ximena: They get involved in this! That’s what I think is so interesting because I’ve never seen school spirit ever.

L: I know for me personally, I don’t keep track of but I definitely notice, and remember people that interact a lot. So I feel like if I were to replace, it wouldn’t just be with like a random person, it would be with one of those people if they were to like step up. 

I: Well, yeah, that’s true. 

L: Yeah. 

I: Mmm…

L: It’s up for discussion. 

I: It’s always— Yeah—

O: It literally doesn’t matter for two more years anyway.

I: Yeah.

Ximena: But I think you guys are really right. Because I think the way you guys handle the confessions page, you do such a good job. And I feel like other people would just post everything. And it’s like, I could tell you guys really pick and choose in a very tasteful way and I like that.

O: The fact that we don’t post a lot of like – not a lot, but like the shitty boring ones – is, has made us like a little problematic, because people don’t understand that they’re not going to be entertained by that stuff. And some of it’s also like just like hateful. We can post everything but you’re not gonna like it.

I: Yeah.

Ximena: I feel like every post has a, has a question. Like ‘Y’all haven’t posted my confession.’

I: Oh, yes. Many.

Ximena: ‘Umm, when are y’all going to post my confession?’

L: In DMS too.

I: They DM us. And we post their confessions and they’re like, ‘Yeah, I just follow this page because my friend goes to that school and they said it’s really funny.’

Well, we have a lot of big things that happened especially with people— there’s this other page, they expose people for like, like bad shit they did. So a lot of people were coming out about him being weird and I personally have an experience too and like him saying like really weird stuff to me and my old, I had old friend group just totally like weird you know.

L: He’s always been pushy.

I: Always been pushy and then a lot of people just came out about it and then the situation got really big on our page. And then we got contacted by their lawyers. They’re like, ‘Hey, like, you need to stop spreading like fake information, you have no evidence against our client.’ And so we had stopped talking about it. So yeah, we do get like a lot of big stuff that happens on the page. Like, we also have, like people who like contact us about like, other people.

L: After that situation, especially.

I: Yeah, we’re like, ‘We can’t post it, but we feel for you, but like, we can’t post it, you know, because of certain reasons.’ Otherwise, we’ll get banned. Who knows, maybe we’ll get like a lawsuit towards us. And we’re just college kids, you know what I mean? We don’t go to that kind of money to do a whole lawsuit over that.

L: Especially for a lot of people, they like, send in like people’s entire, like, full name and everything. And I’m like, ‘We’re only here to draw attention to situations. We’re not here to, like, destroy people’s lives.’ It’s a pretty difficult position people actually put us in sometimes because we don’t— we want to help and actually, like, tend to look up resources for people. But overall, we can’t do much else.

Ximena: I see some of the stuff that people like, confessed to and I’m like, ‘Why are you guys putting this on a public page?’ Like it really concerns me sometimes, I’m like, ‘Go to police.’ Honestly.

O: Half the time. Like they also use us as like a new source. I mean, I like to think we’re reliable, but like don’t put that pressure on a shitty confessions page. 

I: Yeah.

O: Because we’ll have people asking questions about like an investigation or something that’s going on that we posted about it’s like, ‘Bro, I don’t know.’

I: Oh, yeah.

Ximena: ‘I just posted it.’

O: I can’t give you all the answers.

Ximena: ‘I put that shit up there, I don’t know.’

Myron: And it wasn’t even you saying it.

O: I know, it’s like ‘This is information I got from someone else, I can assure you, look it up yourself.’

Ximena: Since you guys have gotten so much more popularity. There’s been like, way more like SFSU pages popping up – which I think is so cool – like the affirmations one, which is so fucking funny. That one’s new. You guys did missed connections, right? 

I: Yeah.

Ximena: Yeah, the missed connections. When I saw that, it was like, ‘yes, yes. Craigslist, Craigslist, Craigslist.’ Because I used to love that shit. 

Myron: Yeah, that’s cute.

Ximena: I used to love that shit. I used to watch YouTube videos of people going through missed, missed—

Myron: And it’s like romantic.

Ximena: It is. Even though some of them are so fucking funny. It’d be like ‘To that girl at Cafe Rosso with a septum, you’re hot.’

Myron: Yeah, so speaking on, like lawyers and stuff. Did y’all ever get like backlash from administration? Or any campus officials?

I: No, no one’s contacted us.

Ximena: That’s actually pretty crazy.

I: Yeah, they really don’t know who we are.

O: We’re going to get kicked out so fast

L: No, actually, that’s funny that you guys said that because I looked up ‘SFSU Confessions,’ and there was a page like nine years ago on Facebook, I think. And it got super popular. That’s not us, by the way. But they got super popular. From what I could read, they were the ones that post every single thing and it got really repetitive. And eventually, the school got involved and they had to take it down. 

I: Oh, really? 

L: Yeah. Like nine years ago.

I: So someone had a similar idea nine years ago. 

L: Yeah.

I: That’s crazy. See—

Ximena: I mean, I’ve seen— I feel like I’ve seen confessions pages a couple times. Like confessions pages have always been a thing. I’ve just never seen one at SF State. I didn’t even know there was one nine years ago. 

I: Yeah, that’s crazy.

L: I just looked it up like a few weeks ago.

Myron: No. Yeah, I was gonna say like, this page reminds me of like, what’s that like owl thing? It was like in high school. But also like Yik Yak.

Ximena: I was going to say Yik Yak.

L: I have Yik Yak right now, actually.

Myron: Oh it’s still a thing.

Ximena: No, it was gone. And then they brought it back like a few months ago.

Myron: But yeah, it like brings back that like high school drama, that was kind of fun, it was like draining, but it was fun. And like, I kind of missed that, I get bored in college.

Ximena: That’s what I’m, that’s why I’m like, so excited about this. Because I’m like, ‘Oh, my God.’ Just because I grew up on the internet and I don’t know, I love internet culture and I like– it literally, yes. The anonymity of it, I think really is just so much fun. And I feel like it’s internet and like social media has become like, so like about face and what you look like and stuff. So it’s really fun that people feel comfortable enough to let—

L: Most people actually don’t want to know what we look like. 

I: Yeah, we’ve done a poll about if we should reveal ourselves.

Ximena: Oh my god, I actually think I remember that.

I: we’re all debating while we’re like,’ Well, should we just show our face or should we not?’ So we were like, ‘You know what? Let’s just see what people would say but like let’s not act on it.’ And a lot of people were like, ‘No, we like you guys being like confidential.’ You know?

L: People like, say it’s kind of like speaking into like, a void, and then the void responds, but they don’t like putting a face to it. So I’m like, okay, fine. Most of my friends actually don’t know.

Ximena: Oh—

Myron: Did you want to remain anonymous though? Like, I know you thought about it with the poll and stuff.

O: I think it’s also safer if we don’t do that. Like it’s fun to like joke about and be like, ‘Oh like celebrity on campus like, oh’ —

L: I’m gonna do it when I graduate. I hope that’s okay with everyone.

Myron: Little face reveal.

Ximena: Oh my God, I’ll be waiting.

O: That’s like a proper time to face reveal, though. Because then— 

Ximena: That is a good time.

O: What’re they going to do?

Ximena: And then just be like, ‘Bye!’

L: Yeah.

Ximena: Oh, well, I did want a little know a little bit more about missed connections because I just want to know where the idea came from and when did you decide to do that?

L: On the, in the forms that we get all the confessions, there’s actually a lot of people that are like, ‘Hey, this one person at this specific time, like this place, you know, I thought you were really cute, whatever, blah, blah.’ And we got a lot of those, and I just felt like that’s not a confession, that’s like a missed connection. You know, so I actually had been thinking about doing it for like, two or three months. And then I’m like, ‘You know what, I’m just gonna do it.’ So I did it. And now it’s there.

Ximena: How has the, how, have you been getting a lot of responses for missed connections?

L: I’d say so. I haven’t been posting lately. It’s not as much as the confession strange, but it’s decent.

Ximena: Oh my god, I bet.

I think it’s really cool that you guys also call out the school sometimes like the post about SFSU taking down the SKINS poster I really liked you guys posted that because I thought that was really messed up, especially on Indigenous Peoples Day. Like, that was really messed up. And you guys really highlighted and you tagged them. And you were like, ‘Go support this group,’ and I really appreciated that because I think we need like, I— honestly even though you guys are not journalists, as you say, I feel like you are like a place a hub of like information. 

Myron: A platform 

Ximena: A platform for SF State students, and I appreciated that you guys kind of like highlighted SKINS and the fact that SF State took down these posters. I mean that’s messed up.

I: We definitely do tend to do that for a lot of people like, not just them, too but like, we’re all like nice people, you know, like, we’re not just gonna be like, ‘No, we won’t post that.’ It’s just like, everyone has to know about that. Like, it’s such an important thing going on in our school. Those people who like have important things to say, they’ll DM us, and I’ll be like, ‘Hey, send in a confession.’ And they’ll tell us more about the situation. And we always make sure to ask more about the situation before we do post it.

L: But yeah, it was just really important because it’s not— just because we’re not part of that group doesn’t mean that we can’t like show support. And this page is a hobby, but at the same time, it’s like it does, it does have power, you know?

Ximena: Okay, wait, so you get confessions through DMs and through the Google Form, right? 

L: Yeah, but most are from the form.

I: Yeah.

Ximena: Oh, but most of them are from the form?

I: Yeah.

Ximena: Okay, I was just going to say—

O: We usually request that they use the forum just for like formatting purposes.

Ximena: Okay, it sounds like you guys have a whole organization system to it a little bit where like, so you mark things that you’re, that shouldn’t be posted as read and then everything else is up for grabs?

L: Yeah and then once we’ve posted it we mark it gray so nobody else posts it.

Ximena: Oh my god, you guys are organized. See if it was me I’d just be like ‘This shit funny. Put that, put that up. Put that up.’


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Ximena: Thank you guys so much for tuning in, again. This has been the second episode of Between the Issues. 

Again, I am the Art Editor of Xpress Magazine Ximena Loeza.

Myron: And I am Myron Caringal, the managing editor for Golden Gate Xpress newspaper. And yeah, be on the lookout for Xpress Magazine’s second issue of this semester in print and online and check out our websites at and

Until next time.

Ximena: Bye!

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About the Contributors
Photo of Myron Caringal
Myron Caringal, Engagement Editor
Myron Caringal (he/they) is the engagement editor for Golden Gate Xpress and Xpress Magazine. He is a transfer student at SF State majoring in journalism and minoring in critical social thought. Myron is originally from Orange County, California, and currently resides in San Francisco. He previously served as diversity editor and then as managing editor for GGX. Myron hopes to transition into the digital engagement side of the media industry as a current intern for KQED's Audience Development team. During his free time, Myron enjoys traveling, trying new foods, attending music festivals and binge-watching series.
Photo of Ximena Loeza
Ximena Loeza, Contributor
Ximena Loeza (she/they) is a Latinx woman born and raised in the Bay Area. She currently serves as the Design Editor for Golden Gate Xpress' sister publication Xpress Magazine. Ximena enjoys writing about arts and culture and underrepresented communities. She has a passion for telling the stories of people who are not represented in the media. In her free time, she enjoys discovering new restaurants and bars in San Francisco and pottery.

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