Take a break from studying for finals to come to get some free food, listen to music and relieve stress. The Holistic Health Department has an open house on Monday, Dec. 3, from 5 to 6:30 p.m in HSS 306. The event is open to all students and is an opportunity to connect with other students, meet faculty and discuss opportunities in Holistic Health.
“It’s a celebration of things you can do yourself for your health,” said Dr. Erik Peper, Professor for the Holistic Health department. The event is a perfect excuse to take an hour out of your day to doing something for your health. This time of year can be so hectic that we often forget to take care of our well-being.
“We can have a lot of control when we often feel out of control,” Peper said.
The department offers classes that give students the skills to better manage all areas of life; whether it be mental, emotional, or physical. This is a unique area of study at SF State and is an interdisciplinary program. The resource center offers books and videos and allows students to make social connections.
These classes also satisfy many upper division requirements and are open to anyone interested. The event will be a great place to ask questions and get to know faculty and people with similar interests. Even if you know nothing about Holistic Health or the department come by and get a snack, listen to music and connect with some fellow students.