Vlog: Receiving the First Dose of the Pfizer Vaccine

April 26, 2021

Trigger Warning: This video story include needles

A year into the pandemic, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that by April 15, California residents of 16and older will be eligible to receive the available  COVID-19 vaccines. The city and county of San Francisco designated a limited quantity of vaccine doses to be distributed at Mashouf Wellness Center at SF State campus to be a vaccine site for the university community.

Multimedia editor Sebastian Miño-Bucheli was the last of his friends and family to receive the vaccine. He was experiencing some vaccine FOMO (fear of missing out) while he waited for his turn on California’s website, MyTurn.CA.gov.

Miño-Bucheli received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the Mashouf Wellness Center hosted by Safeway in the city and county of San Francisco as a late birthday present.

According to the vaccine progress website for the city and county of San Francisco, 61% of San Franciscans of all ages have received at least one dose of the available COVID-19 vaccines. 39% of San Franciscans are fully vaccinated.

Find out if you are eligible for the vaccine through the California Department of Public Health site.  MyTurn.CA.gov.




Cold Open

*Sitting down at the desk*
Seb: Okay, let’s get to it.

*Intro title card shows:*

Vlog: Receiving the First Dose of the Pfizer Dose Vaccine


Seb: Hey, what’s up y’all? My name is Sebastian Miño-Bucheli, I’m the multimedia editor of Golden Gate Xpress. 


Seb: When the news broke out in January about the COVID-19 vaccine doses being available in the U.S., I was hyper-aware that this is history in the making.

I was one of the very fortunate Xpress reporters to have the privilege to go Mashouf Wellness Center and witness the first COVID-19 dose administered at San Francisco State. The eligible recipients were individuals who were city residents or essential workers who were 65+ and older. 

I couldn’t help but think of my grandma who is now 80 years old and currently lives in Los Angeles, but if she could’ve lived in San Francisco she would’ve had a better time trying to achieve an appointment. She would’ve been in line. 

Around early March, my dad, who works as an ultrasound technician in Los Angeles, was able to get vaccinated as an essential worker. My friends who are also classified as essential workers because they work in education or in the food industry were also able to get the vaccine.

Around mid-March, my grandma and my mom were also able to be vaccinated as well. 

I’ll admit I was feeling the vaccine FOMO (fear of missing out) because I was just waiting for my turn.

But as of April 14, the city and county of San Francisco put a pause on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. 


Telling the truth:

I was excited to get the dose because on December 1, I was infected with COVID-19. I was the unlucky percentage of Latinx people who were infected.

My family who lives in Los Angeles also got sick too during the winter surge.

We were constantly messaging each other to see if we were all alive.  


Why I’m being vaccinated:

Just recently, my family was able to celebrate my birthday with me.

They were vaccinated, which meant, according to CDC Guidelines, they could safely travel around the state of California. So don’t try to cancel my family.

Almost like a birthday present, I was able to book my turn for April 14.

I’ll be able to finally join the group of vaccinated folk, to be part of the new normal.

When the needle made contact to my skin, Survivor by Destiny’s Child played over the amp and that was poetic in a weird COVID way.

My girlfriend and I survived COVID-19. My family survived it. They’re all vaccinated.

I got the first dose of Pfizer but I’ll be alright.

I scheduled my second appointment right there at Mashouf Wellness Center. 

After I sat there in the recovery section, I was able to go out and continue my reporting the same day with a sore arm.

The next day rolled around and I was experiencing mental fog and exhaustion right after I took a nap and slammed a cup of coffee.

There’s this privilege you have in the U.S. by being able to get the vaccine, it’s free of charge. No proof of citizenship or insurance is needed. 



Para mi familia en Ecuador, ojalá que nos podamos ver pronto. Sin distanciamiento social.
Están siempre en mi corazón. 

Translation in English

For my family in Ecuador. If God wills it, I hope we can see each other very soon. Without any social distancing. You are all in my heart.

My name is Sebastian Miño-Bucheli, I’m the multimedia editor of the Golden Gate Xpress. Listen to my podcast, Gator Talk Pod wherever you podcast. 


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About the Contributors
Photo of Sebastian Mino-Bucheli
Sebastian Mino-Bucheli
Sebastian Miño-Bucheli is a photographer, videographer, and coffee enthusiast at the Golden Gate Xpress while majoring in Photojournalism and minoring in Latin American Studies. Previously a transfer student from Los Angeles Valley College, he’s now lived in San Francisco for three years but will always be a proud Angeleno (818 No Quema Cuh). Sebastian is an Ecuadorian-American who wants to focus more on his Latinx community to push representation.

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