“Mojada: A Medea in Los Angeles” is set to premiere at SF State on Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. at the Little Theater. The play will be shown until December 14.
“Mojada: A Medea in Los Angeles” presents a modern twist on the Greek myth Medea. The play will detail the life and immigration story of a woman immigrating from southern Mexico to Los Angeles in search of a better life. Playwright Luis Alfaro, a Chicano performance artist, director, and social activist incorporates Mexican indigenous folklore and culture with the modern experience of immigration.
Director Terry Boero describes that the play incorporates not only themes of immigration and economic disparity, but a woman’s loss of innocence, relevant to the #MeToo movement.
“[The play] especially resonates during this year of chaos, evil, betrayal, and the stealing of dreams,” Boero said.
Boero describes the play as “an act of love, an affirmation of the suffering, the history and the dreams that have sucked millions of immigrants over our borders.”