Xpress Yourself: What are students thankful for?

November 24, 2021

With a year that turned the world on its axis, students were unexpectedly left to continue their college experience behind screens and away from life as they knew it. For some, this was goodbye to the friendships, classrooms and campus they called home. For others, it was a needed push to examine their now uncertain futures.

Yet, for some, this could have been a time of appreciation for everything that had once seemed so mundane. As some students returned to campus and more plan to return in the spring, the holidays provide an opportunity to reflect on what makes them grateful.

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About the Contributors
Photo of Marlyn Sanchez Nol
Marlyn Sanchez Nol
Marlyn Sanchez Nol was born in Salinas Cal, also known as the salad bowl of the world, but grew up visiting Jalisco Mexico for large amounts of time when she was growing up. This shaped her into the woman she is becoming and the type of reporter she hopes to be one day. Sanchez Nol hopes to represent the voice of those most kept quiet, especially the Mexican community.
This is her senior year and as such she hopes to make her mark on those around her and the campus. She hopes that with her work she is able to bring pride, knowledge, and happiness to the minds and hearts of readers. She is the proud daughter of immigrant field workers.
Photo of Nicolas Cholula
Nicolas Cholula

Nicolas Cholula grew up in Orange County, Calif., where he first picked up a film camera while working at a thrift store and quickly fell in love with photography. Nicolas chased his passion into community college, where he took his first classes in photography. Since then, Nicolas has become most interested in telling stories from his community and photographing current events. He is currently working toward his Bachelor of Arts in Photojournalism at San Francisco State University and works as the Multimedia Editor for the Golden Gate Xpress.

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