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Golden Gate Xpress

The Student News Site of San Francisco State University

Golden Gate Xpress

The Student News Site of San Francisco State University

Golden Gate Xpress

Gabriel Carver

Gabriel Carver, Staff Photographer

Gabriel Carver (he/him) is a third-year photojournalism student and minoring in kinesiology. He was born and raised in Sacramento, the city that sculpted him as a person and brought him to his hard, photography. He is a photographer for Golden Gate Xpress and hopes to learn from the best. Gabriel enjoys physical activities and jazz.

Gabriel Carver (él) es un estudiante de tercer año y estudia Fotoperiodismo con una especialización en Kinesiología. Es de Sacramento,  la ciudad que le influyó para convertirse en un fotógrafo serio. Es fotógrafo para Golden Gate Xpress y espera  aprender de los mejores. A Gabriel le gusta la actividad física y la música jazz. 

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The Student News Site of San Francisco State University
Gabriel Carver